Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I'm taking a short break from blogging, not too sure when I'm gonna come back..

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Posted by Canxiang at 9:50 PM

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Just a short and random post.
Shock! Horror! I just found out that a part of Desrt Scream music in Cabal sounds just like a part in Iris by Goo Goo Dolls. AW MWA GAWD!! Is that copyright?
And a list of homeowork (Finally I dragged my butt to do it).
1. English Article Log
2. Chinese ACE stuff
3. Maths ACE stuff
4. Lit. Merchant of Venice ACE
5. History worksheet on Hitler
5. Geography Worksheet
That's all.. I think.

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Posted by Canxiang at 8:22 PM

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Another post for canoeists. On Friday, most of us would have witnessed Jared almost fainting during Cher's debrief. I hope that the incident would not make us dread going training but would actually make us put in more effort during training. Personally, I believe that our training is not very tough. However, to ensure that we can readily survive our training, we must satisfy certain criteria in nutrition, hydration and rest.
Firstly, on nutrition... again. Jared could have collapsed because of a sudden lack of glucose to his brain. Glucose can be derived from sugar and other complex and simple carbohydrates found in rice, pasta etc. One must make sure that his body has an adequate supply of glucose to last during training. That means that one must consume more carbohydrates. Meals (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner) are times where we can stock up. Eat a lot of rice, but do not forget your fruits and vegetables. Also, in between meals, one may feel hungry (i certainly do). Thus, i eat something like a muesli bar or some cereal or bread to fill up my stomach. This ensures that i have constant energy levels during the whole day. With an adequate store of glucose, i will be able to last through training. Don't be worried that some of these excess carbohydrates will turn into fat, as we'll be using a lot during training.
Hydration is another key factor. We often feel thirsty during training, and sometimes, especially during races, our mouths will suddenly dry up which causes breathing and talking difficulties. This is because of a build-up of lactic acid, causing our body to feel thirsty. To prevent this, we must drink a lot of water, not only during training, but before and after training. Remember to drink at other times too.
Last point, rest. By rest i mean sleeping and just slacking. During these times, especially during sleeping, is when our muscles will recover the best. Thus, we may need a lot of 'rest', especially after a week of gruelling training. When we feel tired/sleepy, just sleep/slack/lie around. Especially when it's nearing bedtime, don't stay up playing games, chatting, doing work (seriously), and SLEEP if one starts feeling tired. Don't fight exhaustion just to do some stuff like playing games, especially after a day of training. Listen to your body.
After this post, I hope that any other incidents similar to Jared's collapse will not happen again.
We only have 5 more weeks to our competition, treasure it and use it well.
P.S. Anyone knows how to create a motivational speech. Something that doesn't have to do with "THIS IS SPARTA!!!" please..


Posted by Canxiang at 6:39 PM

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Time for my weekly post!
Something noteworthy, our class is a roller-coaster. On Tuesday, Ms Choh came in and said that we only had to tolerate each other for 3 more days and after that we are free. She added that some people have to use the June holidays to think about what school they really want to go. Then on Thursday, Ms Choh came in again, then congratulated our class for improving our MSG and results drastically, and talked to us about CSE and how we should relax during June holidays. She seemed in a much better mood than she was on Tuesday and for once she came into our class not to scold or teach (she taught us once) us. Oh, and she ended with her 'catch phrase', "If you haven't watched Ironman, go catch it." Looks like it's time for me to go watch it (frankly I’m lazy)...
The day after tomorrow is the first day of our water training, and the last phase of our competition preparation. We will not be doing anymore weights training (just a bit here and there) and we thus will be paddling 4 times a week. I know it's the holidays, but remember to get adequate rest, don't stay up playing games training starts early. Also, it's time to move from 100% to 150%; it’s time for OVERDRIVE. If we are not going to use this time fully, we won't have a chance to win the National Schools. It is hard and tiring enough to have put in so much effort and suffered so much pain already, so we should not give up now and make all our past trainings useless. If you have not put in your full effort, it really is time to do so.
Remember, just a few more weeks, hang in there!!!
P.S. Anyone wants to have lunch together as a team (something like the NCC)

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Posted by Canxiang at 7:12 PM

Sunday, May 18, 2008

It seems that another class is catching up with us, in the bottom sense. Many teachers are complaining about 2A now, and it seems some aphelion teachers think that 2A is the worst class in the cohort. However, since the class has no liow/chun/tim/bralee, I think it's rather impossible for them to be worse than us. Oh, just to let you know, they don't bully classmates, they bully the teachers. XD


Posted by Canxiang at 10:09 AM

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Rumors (check test booking) has said that a class maths test is coming soon, either on the 19/21th May (i'm not too sure). OH NO!!! Everyone scream in panic and round around in circles. Oh and comparing our class maths test with 2M maths test makes me speechless. They have like 7 full marks (WTF!!!) while our class highest is 90...


Posted by Canxiang at 8:02 PM

Saturday, May 10, 2008

I seriously don't get it. I do not... at all...
Hanging bags on doors, hiding people's things, throwing people's things, destroying class property and just being plain irresponsible; Sounds like things P4 people normally do. Can't we all just get a life and change some of our really retarded actions? It just happens because of some (I can't say a few anymore) really really retarded and childish people in our class that causes us to be so screwed. I just don't get it, WHAT IS SO FUN??? It's time we got our act together, I’m sure that deep down (really, really deep down), all of us want good grades, and the only way to do that is just to stop doing childish acts and paying more attention to work.
I hope that we can change from first from the bottom to last from the top.


Posted by Canxiang at 9:10 PM